The Mind Body Baby Method

Mind Body Belief Method

Are you ready to create magic?..

To bring love, happiness and joy into someone else’s life

and have it flow into yours as well?


There is no greater joy than welcoming a baby into the world, the love is immeasurable. 

The MBB Method creates magic and miracles. We create families. We welcome the babies who have been waiting into the world with ease. 

Being a mum or a dad is something many of us dream about from a young age, we have grown up on stories of falling in love, having a family and living happily ever after. So we assume that when the time is right we will welcome a baby into our lives with ease. 

For some this is true, conceiving and birthing a healthy baby happens easily but for others, this is the beginning of an unexpected journey with many challenges to overcome. 

And a time that should be one of the happiest, most exciting times of our lives is overshadowed by the uncertainty, stress and fear of infertility. 

1 in 6 couples will struggle with infertility. 

Our mission at the MBB method is to create families. To welcome babies into the world with ease. Empowering women to reclaim themselves and their fertility, so they can welcome the baby that’s waiting for them. 

I have worked with clients across the world to empower them to reclaim their fertility, themselves and to conceive with ease using the mind body baby method. And now I’m training practitioners in this method, so collectively we can change the face of infertility, create more families and support more babies into the world.

I know the power of the MBB Method, the success rates reflect this with 85% of clients bringing home their baby. 


Train in The Mind Body Belief Method 

New Cohort -October 2024


Are you ready to bring love, joy and happiness into the world as a MBB Method practitioner?


As a Mind Body Belief Method Practitioner you are invited to be The Gateway between the baby that is waiting and the parents they have chosen. As the guardian of the gate your role is to prepare the parents to be ready to receive and conceive their baby with ease.  To release any resistance to allowing their babies to come in, to trust in themselves and the process and to remember who they are, how incredible and amazing they truly are.


What you will learn as you train in the MBB Method will not only change the lives of the women and couples you work with, it will change your life. 


Knowing that you have played a part in welcoming a much longed for baby into this world, is a feeling like no other. To know that you have brought joy, happiness and made someone’s life better is a feeling that’s hard to describe. 


About Me

Hi - I’m Amy Simpson, Fertile Embodiment Coach and the founder of the Mind Body Baby Method and The Mama Frequency .

At The MBB Method we are transforming and expanding the birth industry, empowering women at all stages of motherhood, from conception, birth and beyond. We take women on a journey to remembrance and reconnect them to their Fertile State. Reconnecting them to their body, to their trust and belief and to all that they desire.

I created the MBB Method in 2016 to support women struggling with infertility, who felt overwhelmed, lost and fearful that motherhood might not be possible. I am a mother of 2, both of my children came to me with ease. I know now that my daughter was an activator for me and she is the one that ultimately led me to this path. Sharing The MBB Method with women around the world and seeing hundreds of women create their family after years of struggle and heartache brings me such joy and fulfilment. 

The MBB Method is a pioneering approach to Fertility and our results speak for themselves. 85% of my clients bring home a baby using the MBB Method. 

What I’ve learned from my 22 years experience as an Occupational Therapist, Mindset and Energy Practitioner is the power of the mind body connection and yet we are taught very little about it. Often when it comes to our health our mental wellbeing and physical health are seen as separate. A medical model of health views the mind and body as separate and the different systems in the body into different specialties. Our bodies are living systems, connected and responsive to our environment, our thoughts and feelings. The body responds, reacts and resets as a whole, the mind and body are intrinsically connected. 

Considering the body in this disconnected way means we get lost in treating symptoms rather than understanding the root cause. We are led to believe we need to look outside of ourselves to “fix” something that is “broken or not working” rather than looking inwards and reading what the body is communicating through symptoms as to what support she may need.

Currently couples who are struggling to have a baby are offered a medical only approach to support them. However, when there is no medical reason known for why conception is difficult a medical approach is not the best solution. If anything it can add more stress into the body and make it more challenging. I see this time and time again with clients who have unexplained infertility or secondary infertility. It is medically unexplained but it is often very easily explained when we consider the mind body connection. For some a medical approach is necessary this doesn't change the importance of preparing the body and mind to be ready to welcome a baby. 

Book a call with me

Apply now and book a call with me to find out more. 

Are you ready to share your gifts and create this joy in the world?

Book now

The MBB Method Practitioner Training


Training as a MBB Method Practitioner will enable you to:

Guide your clients on a beautiful journey of self awareness, growth and remembrance.

Share powerful and effective mind, body and energy tools and techniques.

Support your clients to discover a unique approach to preparing for pregnancy and motherhood.

This is a blended learning course that you can work through at your own pace with pre recorded sessions, live teaching sessions and monthly supervision sessions.

All sessions are recorded so you can access them at times that suit you. 


The MBB Methodology has 5 key elements that you will be trained in as a MBB Practitioner


The Whole Story Model


The Attunement Method 


Fertile Ground Formula


Resistance Rewire Blueprint


The Mama Frequency


After each module there is coursework to be completed, this will be an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning and to celebrate the gifts you bring. You are also invited to submit 3 case studies at the end of the course to demonstrate your use of the MBB method and celebrate the magic you are creating in the world.

You will receive 6 months ongoing support from me and access to the MBB Intensive Sessions on completion of the course to support you to build your business, share your gifts and create families. 

You also receive access to the MBB Method resource library, where you will find all of the resources to support your clients. 

You will also become part of the MBB method practitioner community. 




Pay in Full


3 Month Plan


3 x £2200


6 Month Plan


6 x £1100


12 Month Plan


12 x £550


Book a call with me

Apply now and book a call with me to find out more. 

Are you ready to share your gifts and create this joy in the world?

Book now
"Training with Amy to become a MBB Method Practitioner was truly transformational for me. After working with Amy on my own journey to conceive and experiencing first hand the amazing benefits of this work I couldn't wait to learn the skills to support others on this journey. I knew that whatever Amy was sharing with us was information I wanted to know but couldn't have imagined the wealth of information that we would receive. Every session was packed with so much wisdom. I am sad the training has finished. I truly loved every second that we shared together but I am excited to now be able to share the magic that Amy has created for others."


"The Mind Body Baby Method helped me peel back the layers and let go of stories I had been telling myself for years. It helped me identify the blocks and wow, the changes in my mood and outlook on life completely changed! The MBB method empowers you to put yourself first, to ask questions so you feel in control, to believe what could be possible. We can’t believe that in the end we didn’t need IVF.  With Amy’s support using the MBB method we conceived naturally. I can’t thank her enough for helping us on our journey to parenthood."
"The MBB Practitioner Training was more that I could have imagined. After having my own journey to starting a family and working with Amy, it sparked a passion within me to help others on their journey to parenthood. I had no doubts about ever training with Amy. It was my dream and it has been more than I could have ever have thought - not only have I learned how support others. I have learned so many skills and techniques that I can implement into my daily life. Its been such a beneficial training and I cannot wait to use it on a professional and personal capacity. Thank you beyond words of the opportunity."